
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

NITC Internet Autologin Software

This software is dedicated to my NITC friends.

 Nowadays to get internet on our NIT Campus, we have to enter our username (Roll number) and password every time. Also, we want to keep our browser window to keep alive. Once we closed the browser window, the connection will reset and we  again want to type our login details. Use this small software to escape from this problem. Please note that this software is in beta state only. If you findout any bug please inform me.

1. This software automatically login to the NIT network.

2. You just want to give your username and password only once

3. You can close all browser window you opened (No need to "keep alive" your browser). It will prevent accidental internet disconnection.

4. Autoconnect when you connect Ethernet cable

How to download

 Please click on download link below
Version 2 will be available on 20/10/2014

How to use

Extract the downloaded zip file and save into your desktop.
(Signout keepalive screen, if you are logged in)
Connect your LAN Cable (or wifi)
Just double click downloaded software (You don't want to install)

Give your username and password (Only once) [NIT roll number and Password]

You will login to the site. Enjoy

If you have any doubt or you detected any bug please contact me through.

Praveen Thappily
Laboratory for Molecular Photonics and Electronics (LAMP)
Department of Physics
National Institute of Technology, Calicut