
Monday, October 14, 2013

Trick for sending “Anonymous call” for free

Trick for sending “Anonymous phone call” for free

Dear friends,
Here I am presenting a simple trick to send anonymous miscall to your friends at any time.

Consider the following situation,
You want to disturb your friend at night (say 1 am) by calling into his/her mobile/Land line. For that following restrictions are there
1.    If he/she is taken your call at that time you will loss your call charge.
2.    You want to hear some abuse from that person (Monkey, Donkey, Idiot, stupid etc. As per your     standard variation may exist!!)
3.    You have to awake at 1 am for miscalling your friend. Means your sleep also in trouble.

Now I am presenting to solve these restrictions.

 Please note that your computer date and time should be correct.

1.First you have to visit the website No registration/Login required.

2.Set your friend’s (The victim’s!!) mobile number as shown in the figure (For testing put your number instead!) 

3. Set Date and Time (Dont use time 12:xx Use 6:00pm 7:00pm etc ) in the form and click “Schedule free wakeup call button”

Wait for that time, You will get an Anonymous phone call from Washington DC!!!

Note: Please don't use this trick for disturbing a person. PravySoft is not responsible for any damage caused by this trick. This trick will not work always because we are using free plan (Not the pro) so you can set only 2 calls/day. If you want more calls means pro account, Please inform me , I have trick for that also

Published by Praveen Thappily