
Sunday, October 16, 2011

PravySoft Portable Folder lock free download

PravySoft proudly presents Folder lock with active shield.You can save your valuable documents with the help of this tool.

Main features of this software are

1.The data will be password protected.
2.Un deletable data protection (With the help active shield,prevents unauthorized deletion )
3.Portable tool so you don't have to install this software
4.Open source,If you need source code please contact me
5.Small size <1 MB
6.Free of cost. No evaluation problem
7.You can freely distribute this software

At first you need to set a password for your shield

After that you can see a folder ' My secure folder' in My documents folder as shown the figure below

You can change your password any time.If you Locked the folder,The folder become invisible and you can delete the folder with this software. simple deletion not works in this folder.

If you find any bug or if you need source code please contact me

or visit


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Google+" is equal "-- Facebook"?

Google+ Tips and tricks to Enhance Your Google Plus Experience

                 Dear friends, i would like to share some interesting facts of GOOGLE+ ,One of the latest community web site. we know that Google is in the final step of Google+ release.They expects that it may not be like old services like Google Wave and Buzz, It  is (beta version) an amazing and power packed social networking website which is deemed to rise very high and compete with today’s famous social networks like  ‘Facebook and Twitter’.

For Google+ The developers are used JQuery And CSS technique for fronted design You can watch a small application developed by me (Using JQuery and CSS).Which is like Google+ comment deletion method.Click on the following figure
Click on the picture to watch Demo of Comment Deletion Technique used in G+
or click on this link

Please note some tricks of Google + you can try on Beta version

To try at first you have to join on Google+ network. For that (now) you need invitation from one of your friend or directly from Google.I tried out Google+ after getting an invite and found it really interesting, may it be its simple and cool design or the variety of features it offers. One has to accept that Google has done some really good and hard work in bringing out Google+. After all, it was their long time wish to have a Google Social Network that can dominate over the web.

All these tips are handy and let you experience the actual power of Google+ (PLUS). Check them below:

1. First move to the photos section and click on Profile pictures to rotate through them.

2. Click ‘j‘ to navigate down to the next item or ‘k‘ to navigate up when checking the stream using keyboard.

3. To add formatting to your text, use the simple trick below.

    (*)bold(*):  Add * before and after the message.
    (_)italics(_):  Add _ before and after the message.
    (-)strike-through(-):  Add - before and after the message.

For example: *Hello* _dear_ -Friends This is Praveen Thappily- will appear as shown below:
HELLO dear Friends This is Praveen Thappily

4. Click on “Limited” next to the timestamp to find out the actual list of persons with whom you are sharing a particular post.

Monday, March 7, 2011


PHP web spider
Tutorial below shows how to make custom search engine by using yahoo boss api. If you're looking for search engine customization, then building your own search engine is something you'll want to look into. Here we are using an api provided by yahoo search service. Search APIs are nothing new, but typically they've included rate limits, strict terms of service regarding the re-ordering and presentation of results, and provided little or no opportunity for monetization. 

These constraints have limited the innovation and commercial viability of new search solutions. The name of the api is BOSS.
BOSS (Build your Own Search Service) is different; it's a truly open API with as few rules and limitations as possible. With BOSS, developers and start-ups now have the technology and infrastructure to build next generation search solutions that can compete head-to-head with the principals in the search industry.
Now we can go through the code
At first you need to create an HTML web search page as shown below



you will get a text box ,shown below
pravysoft<span style="">  </span>web search
Here I am created a text box with name “search” and a submit button. Here I am used POST method for sending form variables. For simple usage action=””, which means post the information on the same page.
Now we can look on the main code for web search engine.
//replace appid with your id
$ch = curl_init($request);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$xml = simplexml_load_string (curl_exec($ch));
// Display search results - Title, Date and URL.
foreach ($xml->resultset_web->result as $result) {
 print ''.$result->title.'

At first you can see isset($_POST['submit']) code .which checks whether user clicked on the submit button or not. if this function returns 1.that means user clicked on the button.Then read the contents of the text box with the help of POST function.on the next step you have to replace “ appid” with your own BOSS id

You will get api id from yahoo boss web site BOSS web site
after replace the pravysoft appid with your own boss id .you can easily make your own web spider.
Now we can go through the PHP cURl function.cURL is a library which allows you to connect and communicate to many different types of servers with many different types of protocols. Using cURL you can:
  • Implement payment gateways’ payment notification scripts.
  • Download and upload files from remote servers.
  • Login to other websites and access members only sections.
PHP cURL library is definitely the odd man out. Unlike other PHP libraries where a whole plethora of functions is made available, PHP cURL wraps up major parts of its functionality in just four functions.
A typical PHP cURL usage follows the following sequence of steps.
curl_init – Initializes the session and returns a cURL handle which can be passed to other cURL functions.
curl_opt – This is the main work horse of cURL library. This function is called multiple times and specifies what we want the cURL library to do.
curl_exec – Executes a cURL session.
curl_close – Closes the current cURL session.
Please note that our BOSS api returns output as simple xml format.which contains information like click url,title etc.So we have to convert the xml data and to access the click url its better to insert xml parsed datum into an array.
Here I used an array $result to store xml parsed data. Then with the help of foreach loop, I separated each title and click url by giving necessary indexes to the result array and placed necessary places of the HTML page.
Complete code below
$ch = curl_init($request);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$xml = simplexml_load_string (curl_exec($ch));
// Display search results - Title, Date and URL.
foreach ($xml->resultset_web->result as $result) {
 print ''.$result->title.'

